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It is time for the Compassion Story!

Compassion supports Self-love and Mindful Living
How many times have you wished that you could lessen the pain inside you? How many times have you wondered why it is easier to be kind to others than to your own self? Have you considered that maybe the kindness you show to others comes from a space of an inner need that you fail to register and address? What if we tell you that it is not your fault! You have never been taught to experience how to consciously and mindfully choose self-compassion. And it is OKAY to not know how to do that. We are here to help!
We don't claim to know everything but what if you found friends who could hand-hold you in your self-love journey? Would that not be great?
At Online Circle of Compassion, we recognize that Self-love and Mindful Living for transformation is a journey and we connect to embark on the adventure together! Does this sound interesting to you?
Write to us at

Compassion supports Courage : The Origin Story
It was one of those regular lockdown days in the month of June for two facilitators sitting in two corners of the world. Jon was in Denmark and Sohini was in Kolkata. A chance conversation over a dialogue reflecting on the rising mental and emotional health crisis during the COVID lockdown encouraged the co-founders to courageously try and do what very few had considered doing online. They decided to bring compassionate communication to create a safe space for dialogue on the most difficult topics including abuse, faith, hope, fear, and identity. Online Circle of Compassion was born to bring to life the possibility of having a safe space to find the self while building community.
The OCC Community and Facilitation design were born from a space of deep reflection on the need to inculcate compassion in the approach to attune with the speaker while listening to provide relief and support without offering any form of counselling or prescriptive steps. OCC was meant to help the participant just "be" while navigating through tough emotions as the community held the space for reflection and to support emergence. As more facilitators joined the network and community, OCC helped people with linguistic barriers to reach out and share too! We have facilitators from over 6 languages supporting the community and inviting more people in.
Compassion brought Courage to people as it enabled them to face their fears, trauma, and prejudices through dialogue. As we see it in the community, Compassion and Courage go hand in hand. Don't take our word for it. Come experience it! Reach out to us at

Weekly Calls and Training Tools
At the Online Circle of Compassion, we do more than just check in on you every week and invite you to share space. We offer free training and education on conscious communication, conflict transformation, understanding identity, mindful practice for self-care, and a lot more!
As we bond as a global family, we take the opportunity to network and help each other grow in relationships within the community that truly supports us as we toil through uncertain and difficult times.
If that sounds like something that can help, write to us at
For Everyone, Young and Old
Training Sessions
We believe that there is no end to learning and being a part of this community comes hand in hand with the sparking of potential possibilities for the transformation of the self and how we relate to others. We have free training workshops on a number of topics such as Conflicts, Stereotypes and Prejudices, Identity, Inter-religious and Inter-cultural Dialogue, Mindfulness, Conscious Leadership, etc.
Resource Sharing Partnerships
We believe that we can take our message and gift of compassion to communities through collaborations and partnerships. We regularly have openings for coordinators in different locations to coordinate our community building and resource sharing activities.
Creative Activities
The Co-founders of this space comprise an aspiring writer and a talented artist so we value creative expressions beyond sharing in DIalogue Circles. If you have ideas and creatively written articles, paintings or photographs based on reflections on compassion, we would love to promote the work and also invite you to participate in our online exhibitions when we host them. Get in touch at
Opening Hours
Write to us: Mon to Fri ( 11 AM IST - 11 PM IST)
Attend our call on Sunday
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